Monday, October 15, 2012

Hello Real Love

Too often we shy away from beauty -We call it safety and security, we call acceptable practice, we call it sanity. It's such a shame that we miss out on the true reflections of ourselves because of a glorified fear...fear disguised as practical thinking or societally acceptable behavior. The status quo means absolutely nothing in my opinion. - it's all a matter of space and time. We should never be bound by the projections of others of what is right and fit for us. One often steers away from a decision as simple as cutting their hair because one or two people said "It's so not like you". Absurd isn't it? Are you not the only you that can say whether or not something is "you" or not?

I'm gibberish's only because I'm so ignited by a friend of mines recent change of heart. It's a simple thing but it has made me aware of her freedom from conformity. She cut her hair and it looks great! If you've read a couple of my recent posts you'll know that the hair discourse is a favorite of mine lately. That's because it really annoys me that hair has become one of those things that gets shoved down our throats as an absolute extension of our personalities - ugh! It's just hair right? Turning mere strands of DNA into a definitive just grates my cheese.

I'm just happy that some women will not be bound to the mumbo-jumbo linked to which hairstyle means what. Either it's there or not..."well-groomed" or not...that doesn't change the pink matter that makes up your mind.

Change the way you will. In a strange way I'm proud of my friend. - it's not a life changing move but it's a symbol of a little piece of freedom...Self love.  I've always viewed self love as a freedom of sorts. 

Here's a pic of the gorgling herself. :)


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