Monday, April 4, 2011

Pay or Passion

I been thinkin...

 It's the hardest thing I've ever had to do. It's literally a life or death decision!! Decide - Pay or passion? Any creative person will tell you this has come up at some point in their lives. In fact not only creatives... anyone at all who's ever had dreams. There is something stupid out there that you could do with a limited amount of energy and brain power that could make you more money but...

You just can't do it...your whole body refuses! The possibility of getting both is sliiiiiiim.

The whole world, Whitney Houston and Phil Collins have dedicated countless writings to making sure you  'Follow your dreams'. Then there are all the movies that remind you that passion won't put food on the table. (Well, only the first half, cause the movie always ends with the protagonist making a raging success of their art - as if) It's so tough, especially when you come from a traditional-ish family where the term 'Art Director' conjours up the image of someone telling other people where to mount a painting.

I wonder if it's worth but I also wonder if I could live without it. I don't want to ramble on too long about this - it makes the vains on my forehead spell out 'pain'... *sigh* Just sharing my gripes :)

#TTFN - Tata for now (^^,)

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