Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Love is in the hair

Our hair bothers us a lot. It's beyond something explicable in a single documentary, magazine article or even my measly little blog post. It's deep and even definitive. i.e: You have a long straight Brazilian weave? You're a gold digger. You wear yours in tight natural coils? You're one of them overly deep poetic types. We are judged by it, classed by it, bound by it to the identities people create for us when they look at it. 

I'm not in any way trying to stir up a revolution but I'm glad we're finally talking about it. Talking about the fact that we never feel like enough in our own. Talking about the fact that we have created a prison for ourselves in trying to keep up with Eurocentric notions of beauty. Talking about it. That's one way to start the change. And I cant help but feel that change is apon us. I truely hope this isn't just a trend. I hope that it's the start of a love. Love of self.

This is good. Talking means we're thinking. That's all.

Oh and...How awesome are these illustrations? Check out more HERE

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