I often share pretty things of all shapes and sizes. Today I thought I'd share what's on my mind again.
We live in a world, and particulary a country, that demands entrepreneurship.We all know that gone are the days when one could expect their university degree to be their own personal job scout and possible ticket to success.
We now have to look inward for more innovative ways to fix this mess we live in and put right what the very countries who now forsake us have left wrong. Its not a matter of politics. It's a matter of urgency - Its what we Africans are genuinely good at. Good
ole elbow grease and new fresh LOGICAL ideas.
I don't want to run away with the matter, because you and I both know it's urgent and we need to make a move right now. The economic climate, SA job stats and yes even Drake lyrics all require us to start making some proper money.
This brings me to my point: Is there anything left to invent/dream-up/create? Am I the only one who's spending coumtless hours brainstorming only to end up feeling like everything's been done. It's like everything is a remix of a dilution of an appropriation of a localised bastardised repropduced copy of the next thing. I mean really, has there actually been anything new since 1900?
Here's a small example of this this problem. This video only focuses on music, but I can assure you there are similar occurances in art/technology/business etc. Hmmmphh. Like Drake (Whom I quote much too often) said "Is there anything I'm doing brand new?"
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